To “Rage without passion” is like to “burn without heat”!
To “Rage against the dying of the light” requires a passion of exceptional intensity… |
I recently attended a seminar on marketing to “Baby Boomers” and we were encouraged to imagine your best possible client, determine what makes them ideal, and put the majority of your energies into marketing towards that specific type of person.
While the topics of financial brackets, location & gender garnered the majority of concern, my previous experience reminds me that my favorite client is one that unfortunately belies any demographic classification or standard data model currently employed. You see my favorite type of client, without a doubt, is that elder lady or gentleman who is simply passionate about the life they've been given!
The lovers, with sweethearts & family. Those who would march through hell for just one more day.
The fighters with battles and a cause to be fought. A campaign to be won that’s bigger than themselves.
The dreamers of dreams with a vision that only they can see but KNOW in their heart to be a worthy endeavor.
Those adventurous souls whose arm length bucket list spans continents of travel to discover the secrets our planet can only teach through personal experience.
The ones who, with a twinkle in their eyes, can imagine a path to another 30 or 40 plus years of life on their own terms and not according to when society says they’re through. And not just any years, the BEST years as they’re armed with the experience only time can deliver. Without a question, my ideal client would be here and I realize that these are those whose “Why” is set before them with little doubt whatsoever.
And yet this only tells half of the story. But what of those who, through lack of apparent choice, concede to tradition and are content with their victories past. What of those who amiably embrace the setting sun in a well earned and final season of leisure? While I hold absolutely no bias towards those who knowingly and deliberately choose to end their days in such a way, I fear their choice is borne of barriers obsolete. The “way it’s always been” dies hard and change requires a convincing intervention.
And so I see my work and mission expand way beyond the training of my clients bodies, but to inform them and inspire them. I need to help them to rediscover their “Why”. To restore their youthful passion to the “What could be possible passion of youth” I need to awaken in all, the realization that another 30 years is a monumental gift that CAN be had and that the ageist world is wrong. It’s far from over, there are new beginnings whether you're 55 or 105. We’re not in Kansas anymore & 60 is a new beginning that will most probably be the best season yet.
And that is what you’ll get from me here… Armed with facts and the latest research. Armed with stories and examples of those who’ve cracked the secret to the art of life in a season of longevity. Armed with tools to see you remain strong, agile, quick and flexible. We’re in this together and I’ll make it my aim to be sure that each of my clients become the ideal one who “with a twinkle in their eyes, can imagine a path to another 30 or 40 plus years of life on their own terms and not according to when society says they’re through”.
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